On 16 Oct 2018, at 15:32, avi@tatasteel.com wrote: Thanks & Regards !! (Avinash Kumar) Sports Department, Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur Jharkhand Ph: 0657- 6644817 (O), Mobile: 09431380373. 08092088356 ; Fax: 0657-2431141. “It is better to lose your EGO to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of EGO.” —– Forwarded by AVINASH KUMAR/SPORTS DEPT/TATA STEEL LIMITED/IN on 10/16/2018 03:19 PM —– From: …
Fwd: JSA Premier Division Football Final in Flood light on 29th July from 5.00 PM
On 27 Jul 2018, at 18:22, AVINASH KUMAR <avi@tatasteel.com> wrote: Respected Sir Final of Premier Division Football league match will be played on 29th July from 5.00 PM onwards in flood lightat JRD Tata Sports complex. First time in the history of JSA Football final is going to be played in Flood Light. Tata Football Academy Vrs. Tata Motors – at 5.00 PM Prize Distribution will be held at 6.45…
Fwd: Invitation to join in Yoga session on 21st June
All Vijaya Gardens Residents Respected Sir / Mam Requests Residents of Vijaya Gardens to join along with friends and relatives in YOGA session on World Yoga Day on 21 June from 6 AM to 7 AM at Hockey Ground, JRD Tata Sports Complex. This is a request. You are requested to reach the venue JRD Tata Sports Complex by 5.35 AM and occupy the sit. Please inform as much as…
Summer Camp FORM (Tata Steel Sports dept)
Sir / Mam Registration starting from tomorrow. Thanks & Regards !! (Avinash Kumar) Sports Department, Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur Jharkhand Ph: 0657- 6644817 (O), Mobile: 09431380373. 08092088356 ; Fax: 0657-2431141.
Fwd: Fwd: Children Football (Std 9 and below) on 8th April at Vijaya Gardens club House from 4.00 PM onwards
——– Forwarded Message ——– Subject: Children Football (Std 9 and below) on 8th April at Vijaya Gardens club House from 4.00 PM onwards Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2018 09:30:51 +0530 From: AVINASH KUMAR <avi@tatasteel.com> Respected Vijaya Gardens (Residents) Sir / Mam Propose to start the initiative to make our Vijaya Gardens Society more Lively, Cheerful and Good Environment by conduct of Sports and Cultural Programme after regular intervals on Sunday’s,…
Fwd: Fw: Jamshedpur Run – A – Thon : Registration open now!
Dear Sir / Mam, Our signature event Jamshedpur Run-A-Thon is scheduled for Sunday, 5th November 2017. The Registration for participation has already started. For online registration please log on to – https://tatasteeljsr-run.com 2. The physical registration starts from today at the JRD Sports Complex during office hours (09.30 am – 05.00 pm) till 30th October 2017. We have always been getting full support from Communities / societies of Jamshedpur…
Notice of Summer Camp & its form for enrollment org by Sports Dept. Tata Steel
——– Original Message ——– Subject: Notice of Summer Camp & its form for enrollment org by Sports Dept. Tata Steel Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 12:16:47 +0530 From: AVINASH KUMAR <avi@tatasteel.com> Respected Sir / Mam Request to give this wide publicity at your respective Society and send your children to enjoy this Fun Filled Camp. Please cooperate. YOGA and Zumba events are for all. (Men & Women can register) …
Vijaya Gardens Badminton Tournament on 19th March (Postponed)
Respected Sir / Mam Due to poor respond of entries for the said tournament, It has been postponed and may be conducted later on. Sorry for the inconvenience. We are trying to book VG Club Badminton Hall. Thanks & Regards !! (Avinash Kumar) Sports Department, Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur Jharkhand Ph: 0657- 6644817 (O), Mobile: 09431380373. 08092088356 ; Fax: 0657-2431141. “It is better to lose your EGO to the…
Vijaya Gardens Badminton Tournament on 19th March (Last Reminder No. 3)
Respected Sir / Mam This is just a polite and last reminder. Till now confirmation received. Mix Doubles. (Husband & Wife only) 1. Mrs. & Mr. Sumant Mendiratta 2. Mrs. & Mr. Ashish Gode 3. Mrs. & Mr. Avinash Kumar 4. Mrs & Mr. Somnath Ojha Men’s Doubles (25 years & above) 1. Sumant Mendiratta and Ashish Gode 2. Samarjeet Mohanty and Kiran Nair 3. Goldy (Gurpreet) and Monty (Satnam)…
Vijaya Gardens Badminton Tournament on 19th March (Reminder No. 2)
Respected Sir / Mam This is just a polite reminder. Till now 3 couples have confirmed {Avinash Kumar} Duplex 259, Vijaya Gardens Thanks & Regards !! (Avinash Kumar) Sports Department, Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur Jharkhand Ph: 0657- 6644817 (O), Mobile: 09431380373. 08092088356 ; Fax: 0657-2431141. “It is better to lose your EGO to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of EGO.” —– Forwarded…